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Just What Does a Project Manager Do?

David Anthony 1075 29-Jan-2019

Just What Does a Project Manager Do?

Project managers primarily handle projects from start to finish, including everything from developing ideas, planning and executing them to reporting and analysing the project’s results. 

Optimally, a person should complete courses in project management to get started down this high-demand career path. Still many wonder what exactly the role entails.

Some of the most important duties of a project manager include the following:

Develop Ideas

A project manager first must devise an idea that can be developed into a full-fledged executable project plan. Therefore, they will need more than just a rough concept of what they want to do.

Planning and Organising Projects

Once an idea is in place, the project will need to be planned properly. Objectives, stakeholders and key performance indicators will be defined in this stage.

Specifically, detailed job scopes will be discussed to determine how the team can reach their objectives. A rough timeline of the project might also be planned at this stage.

Selecting Teams

Each worker involved with the project will bring different skills and expertise to the table. Which person’s expertise will you need to execute the project with as few hitches and issues as possible? 

Project managers choose the best stakeholders for the project and delegate tasks to them, ensuring that each team member is clear about their responsibilities for the upcoming project.

Executing Plans

After the project planning stage, the project manager will be charged with executing the project and overseeing it to ensure everything is going according to plan.

Any plan changes will be modified and announced to the entire team at this point to ensure that everyone stays updated with the changes.

Manage Budgets

When there are budgets involved, the project manager takes extra care not to overspend their proposed budget. 

If there are sudden proposed changes in budget allocations, they will also be discussed with the project manager to ensure that available resources are distributed according to needs.

At the stage of plan execution, the budget should already be fixed. Then, the project manager takes care of spending the budget wisely over the entire project duration.

Manage Schedules and Deadlines

Each task should be completed within a certain timeframe. The planning stage could take two days, for example, and finding a place to host an event could cost an additional three days.

A project manager ensures that the team members are able to execute the project plans according to the proposed timeline so that tasks can be completed by the assigned deadlines. 

If any team member is unable to make the deadline, then the project manager will reschedule agendas where possible.

Team Leadership

The main task of a project manager is to serve as a leader for the project. The project manager makes important decisions for the team, whether it’s choosing the project execution time, rescheduling, holding meetings or any other required agendas.


A project manager ensures that the project tasks and responsibilities are portrayed as accurately as possible for each team member. Project managers will need to make sure everyone knows what they should be doing, as well as the project status at any point.

Should there be any miscommunication involved, the project manager should also be the main person in charge to correct them.

Image from Pixabay CC0 License

Updated 29-Jan-2019
David is a business consultant and software developer. He works for a number of NGO's as a consultant in business management and software development.

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